Where do we go from here Eggsy Pony's Twitter Conundrum

Twitter feels really precarious at the moment, but we don't need to tell you that, you already know and many of Eggsy's followers are making plans to leave or have already left. 

Where do we go from here ? 

What are we going to do to keep in touch with our Twitter friends ?  

How will people know that we're here? 

We've spent years getting to know one another, building a community of people who have much in common, kindness and a love of animals. Together we've helped saved lives, offered shoulders to cry on, virtual hugs and cheered each other on, but, now it feels as if our engagements are at the mercy of a CEO who controls who and what we see on our Twitter timeline, whether or not our Tweets are seen. 

It's not just Twitter, Eggsy Pony is on Instagram too, but, we rarely get to see what those we follow are up to, we don't do FB but have heard it's the same there.

What about all the sites people are suggesting we join? Should we be joining Mastodon, Tik-tok, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Clubhouse, Counter Social ...... the list is endless.

Eggsy Pony is already on Instagram and Ko-fi, we have this blog, but, Twitter has always been the main place we "socialise" with those of you who are interested in him. If Twitter goes down or just becomes downright unusable how can we keep in touch?

We've been trying to work out how to offer a good honest connection with everyone that makes wise use of time, how we can let you know what Eggsy Pony and Friends are doing, what's been happening, tell you about the interesting things we see, our hopes and dreams. Somewhere we can talk directly to you.

So today we wrote a newsletter you'll find it here on Substack. We'd love it if you'd take a few minutes to have a read and if you like it, if you'd like to keep in touch, if you can cope with another newsletter in your inbox, we'd love it if you'd subscribe.

We promise we won't spam you, it won't be one of those advertorial or marketing letters. We hope it will feel like a letter from a friend, one that arrives by post, in a stamped envelope, written in real ink with a proper pen. Only of course Eggsy's letter will be digital and arrive in your in box. If you want you'll even be able to reply because the service we're using allows you to like and / or comment on the newsletters. An added bonus for us is that it's free to use, unless one chooses otherwise which we don't plan on doing.

Here's the link to the newsletter we do hope you'll take a look and subscribe so we can keep in touch. Thank you. 




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