Moving to a livery yard

Hello this is Eggsy Pony's new blog where we're going attempt to keep you all enthralled with Eggsy's adventures and those of his friends. 

If you've read the last blog post on Eggsy's old blog Overcoming Adversity A Pony's Tale you'll know that over the last two years things have changed dramatically for us, as they have for many. 

Due to changes made by our landlord we were forced to relocate the horses to a livery yard while Hansel the goose and Gingee the "yard" cat have had to come home to live with us in the garden and house respectively.

Moving day was 19th January, Boo and Pip went first, they travelled well and settled remarkably in their new stables whilst waiting for Maddie and Eggsy to arrive.

That's when the trouble started. Although she loaded well, Maddie has never been a good traveller and Eggsy refused to load. Mads got impatient waiting for him to load and as she was beginning to get stressed we decided to take her by herself and come back for Eggsy.

It wasn't a long journey but Maddie still managed to hurt herself, she came off the box with a cut above the eye, dripping blood. If you've ever cut your forehead you'll know it bleeds a lot and upon investigation we were relieved to find that it was just a surface wound and that she'd be fine.

Back to Muddy Bottom and Eggsy did actually walk onto the ramp this time but that was it he wasn't going a step further. He resisted the temptation of carrots, haynet and even a bucket of feed and just stood planted on the ramp for an hour and a half. In the end the horse box driver resorted to the old trick of a lunge rope behind the hind quarters and he gradually moved up the ramp and into the box.

Eggsy unloaded like a seasoned traveller and went into his new stable with just a moments hesitation BUT he had no intention of staying there and immediately tried to climb out getting his hooves stuck over the door. He was like a Jack-in-a-Box everytime we lowered his hooves he climbed back up.

The yard owner had a plan, he fixed weaving bars to the door to try and prevent Eggsy from climbing out. It worked for awhile but Eggsy kept on trying to climb out until he exhausted himself.

Our hope was that Eggsy would give up his attempted escape and settle unfortunately this was not to be. Every single time he went in his new stable and the door was shut he'd try and climb out. Of course this was upsetting the other horses and eventually we decided, as the weather was dry, that it would be okay to allow them all to live out 24/7 until we could work through Eggsy's issues and persuade him that a stable isn't a bad place to be especially when you're surrounded by your herd. 

So that's where we're at for the moment, everyone is living out 24/7, the yard owner is okay with that as long as we don't turn the paddocks to a bog. Fortunately this winter has been drier than most and the weather has been kind to us so all's well for now though, this being Great Britain, we do, somehow, have to get Eggsy Pony to accept being stabled before the return of "the deluge"!

About  Eggsy Pony:

 Eggsy Pony was abandoned with locking stifles when he was just a foal, you can read about his abandonment here, his care is funded via donation.

If you'd like to you can help Eggsy in the following ways:

Follow Eggsy Pony and Friends on Ko-Fi  where if you choose you can also buy him a coffee, which isn't really coffee, the coffee money goes towards his feed.

Follow, like and retweet @eggsypony on Twitter

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Take a look at Eggsy Pony's Redbubble store, he gets a small % in commission on any item sold which goes toward his feed.



  1. Looking at today's twitter, Feb 10) Eggsy seems to be doing better today, just the day after moving so I sure hope it all goes well with him!

  2. Thank you ~ He's settled nicely in the field, very relaxed, stables are going to be a work in progress.


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