Hello again

Sneaking back on to this sadly neglected blog for a quick catch up with you all.

If you've been following Eggsy Pony & Friends on Twitter and reading the occasional blog post on the Ko-fi page you'll know that the blog absence has been due to a catalogue of disasters. Well, perhaps disaster is an exaggeration but there have been all sorts of things keeping us away from the keyboard and screens in general.

Things like concussion with a lengthy bout of  post concussive syndrome which may, or may not have resolved itself, it depends on the day. Followed by a flare up of carpal tunnel syndrome making typing inadvisable if not downright uncomfortable. 

To clarify the concussion had nothing to do with horses, it was caused by walking into a tree when feeding Hansel the goose in the pouring rain, not looking where one was going.

Hansel is doing fine!

Anyway we're here now to keep you up to date with our goings on:

While we've been away we've had a few health issues with our resident OAP Mr Boo, we had a colic incident which resulted in the vet being called out. For awhile there it looked like he was going to be PTS, but, thank goodness he eventually got up and some pain killers did the trick. 

Talking of pain killers for Mr Boo, sadly he's been having lameness issues with the hoof that had multiple abbesses last year. It seems that he is suffering from pedal osteitis, inflammation and  de-mineralization of the pedal bone. Daily bute and a sole support pad are keeping him comfortable for now and he's on Formula 4 Hooves to hopefully improve the quality of his hoof and thus his comfort levels. At age 24 surgery is not an option for Mr Boo.

Fortunately all other equines have been fine, not so the canine member of the gang. Poor Miss Darcey Puffle Dog has been backward and forward to the vet for months now with mysterious swelling of the foot and lower leg. She's had surgery, she's had biopsies, she's had multiple courses of antibiotics. Too date no cause has been identified, the biopsies came back as "trauma" but what's really causing it we don't know. The antibiotics send the swelling down only for it to return a few weeks after she's stopped taking them. On the bright side she is completely unaware that anything is wrong with her!

And what about the livery yard?

Well, shall we just say the people who were so very unhappy there all left. We now have new liveries who are experienced horse keepers, 2 of whom have worked on yards previously, things are now very pleasant on the yard with happy horses and happy owners.

As for Eggsy he's settled happily as long as he doesn't have to go in the stable, which is fine by us as we prefer the horses to live out anyway. So far the paddocks are holding up to the rain and aren't overly muddy so fingers crossed he'll be able to stay out.

And last but not least, what of Gingee the stray who stayed to become the Muddy Bottom yard cat, who came home with us, to become a house cat. He's settled in very well, though it has taken several months for our other cats to accept him. He spends most of his time happily snoozing on the sofa. 

So that only leaves the Eggsy Pony Advent Calendar to tell you about, we're posting it over on Ko-fi this year, a daily Christmassy picture along with a blog post, the Advent Calendar is free for all to view and read. 



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