The Eggsy Pony Diaries
Over the last few weeks we've been publishing extracts from Eggsy Pony's Diary over on Ko-fi, his buy me a coffee site, where people can donate the cost of a coffee or more towards the cost of his care. We actually post quite a lot of stuff over there that anyone can see if they care to visit, but, the diary posts have been for supporters only. Meaning that only those who have bought Eggsy a coffee within the past 30 days or members who have signed up to buy him a coffee or two every month could read Eggsy's musings about the week.
Thinking that some of you who haven't been able to access the posts might be interested in what he has had to say for himself we've published three of his diary entries below. If you enjoy them maybe you would consider becoming a member you can sign up here , you're free to cancel anytime, or, if you'd like give it a try before committing buying a coffee gives you access to supporter only content for 30 days. All "coffees" go toward the cost of feeding Eggsy.
A Drama Llama Ding Dong sort of week
Loads of drama here on the livery yard this week, it probably goes without saying that it's mostly down to the humans.
It all started when we saw an equestrian flying through the air, for some unknown reason she'd catapulted herself from the back of her trusty steed, we know not why. Of course it didn't end well, next came the splintering of wood as said equestrian crash landed onto the menage fence.
The fence did not survive, the equestrian did all be it with a few breakages, broken finger and cracked rib. Who knew it was advisable to ride with a parachute!
Honestly you'd think that was enough excitement for one week but oh no, I suppose you could say it's been one of those weeks.
We're all peacefully grazing minding our own business when quite out of the blue an owner comes and collects her pony from the field, much to his disgust I might add. She's marching him back to his stable with mutterings about fat bottoms, crests and laminitis. I hasten to assure you that the pony does not have laminitis, his imprisonment is a precautionary exercise.
Pippin and I look carefully at each others behinds and decide it might be time to make a hasty exit before our human starts getting ideas, after all "the better part of valor is discretion" and we prefer to graze another day.
Another day and electric fence wars rage again. This is an on and off occurrence. There seems to be a problem with the electric fence being on, which is why we have our own as apparently I can't be trusted. Some people on the yard want the fence on and some, well one actually, says it's too powerful a zap and that someone will get hurt.
The yard owner is inclined to agree with "the one", possibly because his electric bills won't be so high, so it tends to be kept off. Pony owners want the fence on because ponies are inclined to attempt to graze where they're not supposed to. This of course does not include me as I'm constrained by our own electric fence, unless I get the opportunity.
Anyway an argument ensued, voices were raised and someone, who will remain nameless, called her opponent daft. I mean good gracious how low can these humans sink?
The following few days were an electric fence on / off sort of time as battle raged. Is there a winner? No, for some inexplicable reason the whole thing seems to have fizzled out and the fence is once again permanently off again. Until the next time....
My equine friends and I have concluded that sometimes humans are very hard to understand and it's best to keep our heads down and carry on grazing.
(First published on Ko-fi 30th May)
I really love your tiger feet
It's been a feet sort of week, not tiger feet obviously, no tigers here, thank goodness as they might eat us equines, but definitely a week of feet.
Started off for the humans on Monday morning when they had to take our canine friend Miss Darcey Puffle Dog to the vets. She'd been licking a hoof, oops foot, so much that it was swollen and red raw.
Possible allergy, antibiotics, antihistamines and a no chew dressing, £127.70.
Not the greatest start to the week.
It was our turn on Thursday, no not the vets, none of us can lick our feet raw we have hooves, it was farrier day. I'm exceedingly lucky as my farrier work has long been sponsored, thank you Graham & Edith your help keeps my hooves in tip top shape.
We all had a little trim and a clean bill of hoof health, glad the humans got some good news as, yes you've guessed it, they had to return Miss Darcey Poorly Paw Puffle Dog to the vets on Friday.
Another week on antibiotics, some fancy expensive pills that block enzymes involved in the processes of inflammation and itchiness of allergic dermatitis, £92.50.
No wonder they need help with financing my care, I could almost feel sorry for them and suggest that a tiger might have been a better choice for a pet:
"That's neat, that's neat, that's neat, that's neat
I really love your tiger feet, I really love your tiger feet
Your tiger feet
Your tiger feet
Your tiger feet"
Song by Mud. Songwriters: Chapman Michael Donald / Chinn Nicholas Barry
(First published on Ko-fi 26th June)
It wasn't me
It wasn't me, the ball cock on our trough broke, not my fault.
Honestly it wasn't anything to do with me, just because I was drinking at the time doesn't mean I broke it. No not even if my muzzle did give it a vigorous bash, just for fun. It was not me the wretched thing had rusted through.
The result of the ball cock thing breaking was that the trough just kept on filling up and overflowing because Mads and I just couldn't drink all that water. We got a nice splashy puddle along the fence line to play in and the paddock next door got a mini lake before anyone noticed.
Of course once they noticed the livery yard man repaired it pretty quickly, and no it's not my fault he got rather wet in the process. How was I to know he'd nearly fall in the trough when I nudged him, gently, on the back just to remind him that he hadn't paid his dues - given us a mint.
Anyway the end result is that we had a lovely clean trough full of delicious clear water and what does she go and do?
She moves us into another paddock without a trough! Good for us as there wasn't much grass in our old paddock and there's more in this one. Bad for her as she now has to haul the water down to us !
Sometimes you have to wonder about humans making work for themselves. Now if it had been left to me I'd have just let us have free run of both paddocks.....
(First published on Ko-fi 10th July)
About Eggsy Pony:
Eggsy Pony was abandoned with locking stifles when he was just a foal, you can read about his abandonment here, his care is funded via donation.
If you'd like to you can help Eggsy in the following ways:
Follow Eggsy Pony and Friends on Ko-Fi where if you choose you can also buy him a coffee, which isn't really coffee, the coffee money goes towards his feed.
Follow, like and retweet @eggsypony on Twitter
Follow, heart and share eggsypony on Instagram
Make a donation via
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Take a look at Eggsy Pony's Redbubble store, he gets a small % in commission on any item sold which goes toward his feed.
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