Miss Darcey Puffle Dog
Yesterday, May 4th, yes Star Wars Day, "May the 4th be with you", was our dog's birthday so it seems appropriate to introduce her to the blog, please meet Eggsy's canine friend Miss Darcey Puffle Dog.
Darcey came to us as a rather unruly adolescent following the break up of her family home. At 7 months old she hadn't had any basic training and wasn't even house trained.
Unfortunately, due to her former owners both being out at work full time, she had spent much of her time in a crate and hadn't received any socialization either.
As you can probably tell from the photographs she's a real live wire, typical of her breed, working cocker spaniel, who needs lots of exercise. Although we weren't looking for a dog at the time, we took her when she became too disruptive to continue living with her former owner.
She proved quite disruptive to our cats too!
Fortunately with lots of training Darcey calmed down, she gets lots of exercise now, and the cats got used to her so Miss Darcey Puffle Dog has become a much loved member of our family.
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