Eggsy Pony hosts Twitter's #ponyhour
Did you know that Eggsy Pony hosts #ponyhour on Twitter (with a little typing assistance from his humans) ?
No, what's that you may ask, so here's the rundown on #ponyhour
What is #ponyhour ?
#Ponyhour is a weekly live chat hour on Twitter.
When is #ponyhour?
Tuesday nights 9-10pm UK time (4pm ET) for live chat, but, you can Tweet anytime using the #ponyhour, we retweet every day of the week.
Who can take part?
Equestrian businesses are also very welcome to tout their wares, special offers etc on #ponyhour
Equine charities are most welcome to promote their charity, fund raisers etc on #ponyhour
Show organizers Tweet #ponyhour your dates.
How do you join in?
Follow @aponyhour on Twitter and use the hashtag #ponyhour in all your Tweets and replies to people's Tweets, this enables others joining in the chat hour to see your Tweet / reply.
Who hosts #ponyhour?
#ponyhour is hosted by Eggsy Pony, with a little help from his humans, Twitter account @eggsypony
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