Eggsy Pony hosts Twitter's #ponyhour

Did you know that Eggsy Pony hosts #ponyhour on Twitter (with a little typing assistance from his humans) ?

No, what's that you may ask, so here's the rundown on #ponyhour 

What is #ponyhour ?

#Ponyhour is a weekly live chat hour on Twitter.

When is #ponyhour?

Tuesday nights 9-10pm UK time (4pm ET) for live chat, but, you can Tweet anytime using the #ponyhour, we retweet every day of the week.

Who can take part?

Everyone can take part in #ponyhour, of course you'll enjoy it more if you have a love of equines, horses, ponies, donkeys, mules even zebra. You don't have to own a horse or ride if you love them, join in. And as lots of horse people also have other pets they're welcome too!

Equestrian businesses are also very welcome to tout their wares, special offers etc on #ponyhour 

Equine charities are most welcome to promote their charity, fund raisers etc on #ponyhour

Show organizers Tweet #ponyhour your dates.

How do you join in?

Follow @aponyhour on Twitter and use the hashtag #ponyhour in all your Tweets and replies to people's Tweets, this enables others joining in the chat hour to see your Tweet / reply.

Who hosts #ponyhour?

#ponyhour is hosted by Eggsy Pony, with a little help from his humans, Twitter account @eggsypony 


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