Things Eggsy Pony misses from Muddy Bottom


1. Not the mud that's for sure but we all miss the trees.

2. Hansel the goose being part of our little herd and honking at perceived dangers.

3. Gingee the yard cat, though I for one do not miss him pooing in our field. Yeuch!

4. The woodpeckers their drumming and jungle like calls.

5. The deer grazing near our paddock & sometimes pinching our water.

6. Bumblebees, the kindest of bees, who often had to be rescued from our water buckets.

7. Corvids, crow, magpie and jackdaw, always hanging around, always arguing with one another, often shooing each other away.

8. Geese, swans and ducks flying overhead.

9. Our resident barn owl.

10. Buzzard who hunts at Muddy Bottom every day.

11. Jay who liked to steal Gingee's food.

12. Weasel, rat and vole, rarely seen together except, well, when one was consuming the other.

13. The gypsy ponies who sometimes came to visit, even though they weren't supposed to!

14. Fox who walked past every day at lunchtime in search of her own lunch.

15. Mr Hoppy the pheasant and his harem of grey ladies, bet Hansel misses them too, he used to share his grain with them.

16. The mouse family who, when it was very cold, would nest in the tyres that held our water buckets, I suppose you could say the tyres were their winter residence.

17. Heron and egret hunting in the drain.

18. Moorhen and her chicks.

19 Dragon and damsel flies with their iridescent wings sparkling in the sunshine.

20. Robin always blagging food.

21. Blackbird singing.

22.Cheeky flocks of sparrows.

23. So many fieldfare swirling through the sky you felt as though you were in a snow globe of birds.

24. Rabbits hopping

25. Apples, pears and plums of course

I'm going to stop now before I make myself sad ........

26. Cow parsley! I do NOT miss cow parsley though the others do, I think it's yeuch, though I've always refused to taste it, I do however miss the flags, no chance of getting them here....

About  Eggsy Pony:

 Eggsy Pony was abandoned with locking stifles when he was just a foal, you can read about his abandonment here, his care is funded via donation.

If you'd like to you can help Eggsy in the following ways:

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