Stormy weather

 Living on a small island in the Atlantic means that we're subject to storms and these past few days three have passed our way. Storm Dudley, Storm Eunice and now Storm Franklin. Fortunately being in the east of England we haven't been subjected to the worst of the weather but we have taken a battering.

Strong winds and heavy rainfall have left the fields with standing water and of course

we do have poaching by the gateways where the horses congregate waiting for us humans to bring them essential supplies of forage and their hard feeds. But we have to say considering Eggsy Pony's insistence about living out 24/7 the paddocks are bearing up well.

Which is more than can be said for 3 of the field shelters on the yard which ended up on their sides during Storm Eunice. Fortunately there were no equine or human casualties.

Luckily the field shelter in Eggsy's field stayed put, probably because it's a bit ramshackle and the wind could blow straight through those gaps! 

 Eggsy has his own way of sheltering from bad weather, standing as close as possible to Maddsie, who being larger than him acts as the perfect windbreak but

unfortunately even Maddsie can't stop the wind from playing havoc with Eggsy's hair do!

  • About  Eggsy Pony:

     Eggsy Pony was abandoned with locking stifles when he was just a foal, you can read about his abandonment here, his care is funded via donation.

    If you'd like to you can help Eggsy in the following ways:

    Follow Eggsy Pony and Friends on Ko-Fi  where if you choose you can also buy him a coffee, which isn't really coffee, the coffee money goes towards his feed.

    Follow, like and retweet @eggsypony on Twitter

    Follow, heart and share eggsypony on Instagram

    Make a donation via

    or Paypal :

    Take a look at Eggsy Pony's Redbubble store, he gets a small % in commission on any item sold which goes toward his feed.


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