
Showing posts from February, 2022

Stormy weather

 Living on a small island in the Atlantic means that we're subject to storms and these past few days three have passed our way. Storm Dudley, Storm Eunice and now Storm Franklin. Fortunately being in the east of England we haven't been subjected to the worst of the weather but we have taken a battering. Strong winds and heavy rainfall have left the fields with standing water and of course we do have poaching by the gateways where the horses congregate waiting for us humans to bring them essential supplies of forage and their hard feeds. But we have to say considering Eggsy Pony's insistence about living out 24/7 the paddocks are bearing up well. Which is more than can be said for 3 of the field shelters on the yard which ended up on their sides during Storm Eunice. Fortunately there were no equine or human casualties. Luckily the field shelter in Eggsy's field stayed put, probably because it's a bit ramshackle and the wind could blow straight through those gaps!   E...

Things Eggsy Pony misses from Muddy Bottom

  1. Not the mud that's for sure but we all miss the trees. 2. Hansel the goose being part of our little herd and honking at perceived dangers. 3. Gingee the yard cat, though I for one do not miss him pooing in our field. Yeuch! 4. The woodpeckers their drumming and jungle like calls. 5. The deer grazing near our paddock & sometimes pinching our water. 6. Bumblebees, the kindest of bees, who often had to be rescued from our water buckets. 7. Corvids, crow, magpie and jackdaw, always hanging around, always arguing with one another, often shooing each other away. 8. Geese, swans and ducks flying overhead. 9. Our resident barn owl. 10. Buzzard who hunts at Muddy Bottom every day. 11. Jay who liked to steal Gingee's food. 12. Weasel, rat and vole, rarely seen together except, well, when one was consuming the other. 13. The gypsy ponies who sometimes came to visit, even though they weren't supposed to! 14. Fox who walked past every day at lunchtime in search of her own lunch...

Moving to a livery yard

Hello this is Eggsy Pony's new blog  where we're going attempt to keep you all enthralled with Eggsy's adventures and those of his friends.  If you've read the last blog post on Eggsy's old blog Overcoming Adversity A Pony's Tale you'll know that over the last two years things have changed dramatically for us, as they have for many.  Due to changes made by our landlord we were forced to relocate the horses to a livery yard while Hansel the goose and Gingee the "yard" cat have had to come home to live with us in the garden and house respectively. Moving day was 19th January, Boo and Pip went first, they travelled well and settled remarkably in their new stables whilst waiting for Maddie and Eggsy to arrive. That's when the trouble started. Although she loaded well, Maddie has never been a good traveller and Eggsy refused to load. Mads got impatient waiting for him to load and as she was beginning to get stressed we decided to take her by hersel...