Seeking Share Care Friends

During a conversation (via Ko-fi) about the frankly frightening rise in price of animal feed since Brexit / Covid Susan from Frugaldom mentioned that she was hoping to find some "Share-Care" families to help with the cost and physical care of the ponies she has rescued, (if you live in the Dumfries and Galloway area of Scotland and this appeals to you please get in touch with Susan .) She wondered if this was something that we might be able to adapt for Eggsy. Being on a livery yard it would be difficult to have lots of different people coming to care for Eggsy, and, although he has lots of friends from all over the world hardly any are local to us. Also we don't really need the physical help, the whole family mucks in if needed. It sounded like a great idea but probably not one that would work for us. But it's been hovering in the back of our minds for a few weeks now and suddenly we wondered if a virtual share-care would work. If you've been following his sto...