Eggsy Pony's year that was 2022 Part 2 July - December

This is Part 2 of Eggsy Pony's year that was 2022, if you haven't read part 1, January - June, you'll find it here: Eggsy Pony's year that was 2022 January - June July You may remember that when we left Muddy Bottom in January, Hansel the Goose and Gingee the stray cat who stayed came home with us, in July Eggsy Pony gave an update on how they were settling in via his Eggsy Pony Diaries on Ko-fi : "Gingee our old feline compadre from Muddy Bottom days finally left the sofa and started to explore the house. This has not gone well, he is now encamped on the landing much to the disgruntlement of several other felines who liked that spot. The human is also rather disgruntled as Gingee Roo Roo is now deserving of the name Gingee Poo Poo, he has, unfortunately taken to using the bathroom for toileting. That's right Gingee Poo Poo is pooing on the bathroom floor! On the bright side he is still weeing in a litter box downstairs. As far as this little pony can see ...